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Recruiters are usually inundated with applications for any given vacancy. They often have only 30 seconds to review each job application. With this in mind, you have to make sure that your cover letter makes a powerful impression at the first glance. It’s important you grab the reader’s attention in the first few sentences.
Here are some tips of how to write a cover letter…

And while you’re at it, don’t make these common cover letter mistakes I see all the time.

  • Don’t throw something together at the last minute (or update one you wrote last month), attach it to your resume, and call it good. Make sure you tailor each cover letter to each role you apply for. Writing a generic cover letter is the biggest cover letter mistake you can make.
  • Don’t address it to `The Hiring Manager` or `Sir or Madam`.
    Personalise your cover letter by addressing it to the specific hiring manager or particular consultant handling the position.  Invite them to connect to you on LinkedIn and send them a message through LinkedIn as well as sending your application. This is a great way to stand out from everyone else.
  • Don’t write a long winded opening paragraph.
    Instead, start with a relevant qualification as a way to introduce yourself. If you’re a recent grad with a drive to earn big bucks, go with that. Or, maybe you’re a property professional with 5+ years of property management experience—introduce yourself as such, and connect it to the position you are applying for.
  • Don’t just rewrite your CV in paragraph form.
    Focus on one or two examples of your work that highlight what you can bring to the position, and try to help your reader picture you doing the work by really diving deep and detailing your impact. You want the potential employer to be able to imagine plucking you out of the work you’re describing and placing you into his or her team seamlessly.
  • Don’t write paragraphs and paragraphs hoping it will be read.
    No more than 3 or 4 paragraphs will do nicely. Keep it concise and remember that you’re not trying to get everything on one page—you’re trying to entice the hiring manager enough to bring you in for an interview.

A cover letter is the best chance you have to give your potential employer a glimpse of who you are, what you bring to the table, and why you—above all those other candidates—are the one for the job. So, once you’ve finished writing your cover letter, triple check it for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors and remember to add your contact details.

Don’t give up your chance to sell yourself in a fresh, unique way whilst ensuring your cover letter never gets ignored again.

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